Eric Pradana's picture

Hello There!

I am Eric

I'm software engineer specializing in building web. Currently, I'm focused on Backend development and studying Frontend technologies such as React and Tailwind CSS.

About Me

Hello! My name is Eric Pradana, I like to create something from scratch. I'm mostly creating an API for web apps but recently I'm studying Frontend technologies to develop the user interface for my web apps.

The first time I know computers was when there was a lesson about blogs and the teacher gave the students a task to create a blog site and they teach us how to use computers. Since then I have loved how computers work.

My skill set:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • React
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Sass
Eric Pradana's picture


A01 Projects

This website is a team project to apply what has been learned during the Bootcamp organized by Lukananakit x Progate. In this project, my task is to create a basic layout using HTML and CSS. I also use JavaScript for the animation section and I also fixed some bugs and implemented responsiveness so that it can be accessed by devices that have limited screens.

A11 Projects

This website is a team project to apply what has been learned during the Bootcamp organized by Lukananakit x Progate. In this project, my task is to create a basic layout using HTML and CSS. I also use JavaScript for the animation section and I also fixed some bugs and implemented responsiveness so that it can be accessed by devices that have limited screens.

Hatchery App

This web app builds with React. I implement how to use hooks and pass data between parents and children.

Venue Activity

This project is REST API that I build with Node.js and framework AdonisJS and for the main language I use TypeScript.
